¡Ay, 2016!
It has been a complicated year in every respect, but it has also been about learning and growing, and then growing some more. One of my friends even named 2016 as “The year of global sadness”. I agree. It was a challenging year, to say the least. My 2015 ended with a very terrifying episode that was kind of a warning of how 2016 was going to be: DIFFICULT.
I moved to another country and I got married. I have been sick and coughing for the last 6 months, which additionally translated into 3 visits to the hospital ($$$). My cat has been on the verge of dying 3 times this year, all of them while in the US ($$$). I traveled very little, and only visited two places I didn’t know before –compared to previous years I should be ashamed–. I have missed tacos and tamales for 7 months (which for me is a very long time). I have also missed my mom, my siblings and my friends.
On the good side, I have had the opportunity to live in a city that amazes me most of the time, and makes me enjoy the really good food I am surrounded by, if that weren’t enough, I get to live every day with a great human being whom I love, and who loves me and makes me laugh just by talking about poop and farts (sorry, TMI).
The next year I need to keep up with me though, that’s the challenge: my personal and professional growth, figuring out what I want to do, reading more (I am embarrassed to tell you how many books I did NOT read this year), and maybe 2017 is the year when I finally write the book that I have been postponing for 3 years because writer’s block.
Anyway, I just wanted to think about everything that happened this year, because despite being weird, it was eventful, and it brought me complications (I’m talking about you, US Elections), but also immense joy. Lots of laughter and lots of lessons too.
I hope your year has been good, and if not, just remember that there is always 2017, so make it count.